Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Missionary Positions Open | June 21, 2017

Have you ever thought about serving as a full time missionary in order to use your gifts and talents to impact the kingdom of God? Casas por Cristo is seeking to fill several full time positions. 


  • Starts immediately.
  • Health insurance and other benefits provided.
  • Salaries are fund raised in full by the missionary.
  • Location: El Paso, Texas.
  • Mature Christian character required.


Juárez Field Coordinator
Role: Help and assist the Juárez field director in accomplishing tasks and goals for operations in Juárez. 
Responsibilities: Lead mission trips, assist local pastors with family follow up, and assist the field director with team care, pastors committee, and daily operations. 

Assistant to the Executive Director
Role: Help and assist the executive director with tasks and goals for the ministry. 
Responsibilities: Lead mission trips, assist with team care and secretarial duties, maintain the executive director's schedule, transcribe meetings, and serve as the liaison to the board of trustees. 

Human Resource Manager
Role: Ensure all staff members have the supplies and insurances needed to be most effective in their positions.
Responsibilities: Lead mission trips and assist with team care, human resource duties, and office management.

Project Manager
Role: Oversee and manage the construction of ministry facilities.
Responsibilities: Organize volunteers, manage the project time table and budget, and coordinate project details.

Book Keeper
Role: Maintain up to date financial records.
Responsibilities: Lead mission trips, pay bills, process deposits, reconcile accounts monthly, and assist with team care.

Creative Writer
Role: Develop and craft the written message of Casas por Cristo across all platforms.
Responsibilities: Lead mission trips and write, tell stories, check facts, and edit for all Casas por Cristo publications, including the magazine, blog, email newsletters, fundraising appeals, website, and development and marketing projects.

Team Coordinator
Role: Prepare teams and individuals for their mission trips by maintaining contact and communication.
Responsibilities: Lead mission trips, register trip participants and teams, maintain the ministry calendar, support the field directors, keep files organized, and maintain the database.

For questions, job descriptions, or to apply, contact us at or (915) 778-0046.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Missionary Spotlight | Zachary Bryan | Jun 19, 2017

Missionary Spotlight
Zachary Bryan
Meet Zachary Bryan, one of our newest missionaries. Zachary came on as an apprentice in May as the videographer in our marketing department.


1. Tell a little bit about yourself and where you're from.
  • I'm Zachary Bryan, and I'm from Hendersonville, NC, right outside of Asheville. I grew up snowboarding and mountain biking, so I love the outdoors. I have a degree in show production and concert touring. I have a passion for videography, and audio engineering. I have an incredibly supportive mom and dad that always go out of their way to help me. I have a brother and sister in-law that are absolutely amazing and are two of my best friends.
2. What made you choose to serve at Casas por Cristo?
  • Ever since my first build in 2012, God has been preparing me for a role in ministry. Since then, God clearly revealed to me that his plans for me are better than my plans. He wants me to use my gifts and talents to further his kingdom. What better place to do that than the ministry that helped push me in the right direction?
3. How have you seen God through your ministry at Casas por Cristo?
  • God is always moving. Since I decided to step into a role with Casas, God has been pushing me out of my comfort zone. This has caused me to lean on him more so that I can learn and grow into the leader and person that he needs me to be.
4. What has been your biggest challenge so far?
  • I would say the biggest challenge for me has been the transition period of leaving my old job and stepping into this new role at Casas. This whole process of coming to Casas and moving from North Carolina to Texas all happened within one month.
5. What are some things people should be praying for on your behalf?
  • Please pray constantly for the ministry and for each one of us here to be used by God in mighty ways for his kingdom.

Family Spotlight | Guatemala | June 26, 2017

Family Spotlight
San Raymundo, Guatemala
Stephy Soto (summer intern) taking a selfie with Maria, her family, and the team of volunteers
"I've never slept on your idea of a bed, bathed in what you would call a shower, or owned a cell phone. Let me give you a better idea of perhaps what I have done. I, by the grace of God, have survived a life of 26 years. I've raised my four kids in the midst of a challenging life, a life that got exceedingly harder a year ago when my husband passed away from colon cancer. My house was about 6 feet tall with 3 walls and a roof, each made by a single sheet of tin. It totaled about 35 square feet. I earn about $14 a week making firework wicks. It's a very dangerous job as it consists of rolling up newspaper into the size of a cigarette butt and stuffing it with gunpowder."
--Maria Carmelina Boch Tops

Maria's world was completely flipped upside down a few weeks ago. Pastor Heyson Bohr serves on the Casas por Cristo pastor's committee in San Raymundo, Guatemala. Each month he has the opportunity to submit an application for a home on behalf of a family in need. Last month, the night before the meeting, he didn't have anyone in mind that needed a home, so he got down on his knees and prayed, "God, please reveal to me the person you've chosen to receive the next house." His prayer was interrupted by a knock at his door. He got up to find a woman who had heard of Casas and wanted to get some help for her daughter-in-law, Maria. As is required, Pastor Heyson made plans to check out the conditions of Maria's home to make sure she really needed help. He ended up going in search of her property by himself, but had some trouble finding it. He felt God calling him down a certain dirt road and ended up in a town called Los Ajuixes. He kept stopping to ask the locals if anyone knew Maria. Eventually, he reached the end of the road at the bottom of a hill and found her and her four children living in a three sided shack.
The home Maria and her four children previously inhabited
Behind the scenes, God had prepared a mission team from Fayetteville, Georgia to fly down and build Maria a home. It was a difficult build due to some heavy rainfall. Nonetheless, after three days of labor, a house complete with electricity and a porch was built. Two beds, a water filter, and other commodities in making a home comfortable were given.
At the dedication, Pastor Heyson shared a story from Maria's oldest son, Jeremias (9 years old). He had a dream a few nights before of his daddy in heaven telling him that one day they would have a house. And there he stood, on the porch of his new three room home. How beautiful the thought that both fathers were watching down to provide for this family.

We do not know where Maria is in her walk with God. Pastor Heyson will follow up to make sure the Gospel continues to be conveyed. Please pray for Maria and her family as well as all the other families receiving homes this summer. Pray that they will understand just how grand God's provision is, but more importantly, how grand his invitation is to be his daughter or son.

--Story by Stephy Soto and Seth Wilson, Summer Interns
915.778.0046  |  

Monday, June 5, 2017

Team Casas | June 5, 2017

Want to build a home with us but don't have a group to serve with? Join Team Casas, and we'll partner you with a team of other individuals to meet the physical need of better housing as a way of also meeting the spiritual need for Jesus Christ. 

June 11 - 17, 2017 | Santiago | $750/person
(scheduled; still accepting registrations)
December 27, 2017 - January 2, 2018 | Santiago | $750/person
(at least 15 volunteers still needed by October 27)

July 2 - 7, 2017 | San Raymundo | $750/person
(scheduled; still accepting registrations)
December 27, 2017 - January 1, 2018 | San Raymundo | $750/person
(at least 14 volunteers still needed by October 27)


June 12 - 15, 2017 | Juárez | $650/person
(scheduled; still accepting registrations)
October 6 - 9, 2017 | Juárez | $650/person
(at least 5 volunteers still needed by September 6)
December 27 - 30, 2017 | Acuña | $650/person
(at least 13 volunteers still needed by November 27)
December 27 - 30, 2017 | Juárez | $650/person
(at least 11 volunteers still needed by November 27)

The deadline to reach the minimum number of trip participants in order to schedule a trip is 30 days prior for each México trip and 60 days prior for trips to other locations. If the trip is scheduled, new registrations will be accepted until the trip takes place.

915.778.0046  |