Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 7 | Peace

"The fruit of Silence is prayer. The fruit of Prayer is faith. The fruit of Faith is love. The fruit of Love is service. The fruit of Service is peace." - Mother Teresa

There are people all around the world that live daily in cities ridden with violence and heartache. They are far more familiar with a state of fear rather than one of peace. They are constantly concerned for their well being, along with that of their families and their children.  For those that have no escape from this reality, we pray that the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding would cover them.

We specifically pray for those in Juárez, Acuña and San Raimundo today.  We pray for those that don't have the option of simply crossing a border to seek freedom from their fears.  We pray for peace in Juárez as innocent families carry out their normal lives, all the while an ongoing drug war plays out in the background. We pray for children and parents living in Guatemala where child labor runs rampant due to the desperate need to survive. We pray for those all over the world that live under the oppressive hand of poverty.  We pray for peace in parent's hearts as they seek to provide for their children and their family's basic needs.

Our prayer is that Christ will tangibly cover these families today and that His peace will be more visible than the concerns and worries that overwhelm.  We pray that He will calm the raging seas as His peace crashes like waves around them.

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