Friday, January 27, 2012

Qué Tal 2012

2011 has come to a close and 2012 is quickly under way! Check out our latest video update to stay in the loop with all that's going on here at Casas por Cristo.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Month of Sundays

Want to know what it's like to build a home for a family in Guatemala? 
We want to take you there! 

The first build of 2012 began on January 1st in Guatemala with a team from Purdue Christian House.  The group built a home for Rosolio, his wife and their three kids. Rosilio and his family live on the side of a mountain in a jungle clearing outside of San Raimundo, Guatemala.  For five months leading up to the build, Rosilio spent eight hours every Sunday digging out this clearing for the team to build the home. Vehicles had to stop 100 yards before the site because the hill down was too steep to maneuver. The only way for the team to carry all of the materials and tools to the site was to pass everything one by one in an assembly line over the 100 yard span. In four days this college team from Purdue University transformed the empty lot into a brand new home. Throughout the week children and adults alike came from all over to watch something they had never seen before. Now it's your chance to come and change the lives of the next family in need!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

CNN Young Wonders

We were humbled and honored to be featured on CNN Young Wonders for Justin Churchman's accomplishment of building 18 homes with Casas por Cristo by his 18th birthday. Our prayer is that God will use this recognition to shed a spotlight on those in need and spur on others to serve as we seek to bring Him glory.

Monday, January 9, 2012

2011: Our Journey

2011 was an amazing year full of newness and change and growth. We want to share with you some of the moments that made up our year. Without you, none of this would be possible!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Team Casas 2012

We recently shared with you the story of a family waiting to receive a home through a trip called Team Casas. You answered the call and on December 29, 2011 the Rodriguez family received the keys to their new home. This year we have the opportunity to make stories like this one happen all over again. Whether you want to build in Juárez, Acuña or Guatemala, we have trips ready for you to join us!

Why not start off the year giving your life to change another? You don't need to organize a team, all you need to do is come. We'll take care of the details. We're challenging you this year to give four days of your next 365 to make a difference that will last a lifetime.

The next opportunity to come and serve is rapidly approaching! Join us in Juárez, México the weekend of February 17th. We need six more people to make this family's dream a reality.

Registration Fee: $50
Cost: $500 per person ages 12 and up / $100 per child ages 0-11
*Click here for more details* 

Can't come on this trip? We have other opportunities for you to serve this year! 

2012 Team Casas Schedule 
February 17th-20th Juárez, Mexico 
June 24th - 30th San Raimundo, Guatemala 
June 18th - 21st Juárez, Mexico 
July 1st - 7th San Raimundo, Guatemala 
August 31st - September 3rd Acuña, Mexico 
December 27th - 30th Acuña, Mexico 

Please help us spread the word about Team Casas in 2012. 
We're excited for the new year and all the possibilities that await!