Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 20 | Youth & the Next Generation

Today we are going to be praying for our youth ministries that come on trips with us. I was a youth pastor for 15 years, and consistently over those years my teens would rate our annual mission’s trips as the #1 most impacting thing we did all year. It wasn’t camp or some conference, a concert or ski trip, or even our weekly youth worship. It was our missions’ trips that we took.

You see, when a youth comes on one of our trips they are stepping massively out of their comfort zones. It no longer matters whether the person standing next to you is a cheerleader, a jock, in the band, or in chess club. They need each other to complete this task. They see that the house they are building for an entire family is often times smaller than their own bedroom. Their values are challenged! Their faith is challenged! Their worldview is expanded! They find that even though they don’t speak the same language, they can still communicate with the family they are building for because of their actions motivated by love.

In middle and high school, youth begin to decide how they want to live the rest of their life. The impact that one of these trips can have on their future is enormous. Pray that God would break down any walls that they have built up. Pray that God would allow them to see that we are all God’s children; no matter where we were born or live. Pray that they would be open to God’s call on their life. Pray for our youth; they are not only our future, but they are our present.

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