Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 21 | Planting Seeds

Today we ask that you would join us in praying for God to “water those seeds” that have already been planted. When we talk about a “seed” being planted, we are talking about the story, the love of Jesus Christ, being planted in someone’s heart. When a team comes down to build a house, seeds are planted all over the place. It could be planted with a family member, a team member, a neighbor; you never know. Pray that God would use the local pastors to go back and water the seed that has been planted by one of our teams.

Some seeds are the love of Jesus Christ being accepted for the very first time; either by a family member or a team member. Sometimes a seed is watered and a team member decides to go into ministry. So many different people can be affected in different ways by one of these short term mission trips.

We received the following email back in May. It’s a pretty cool story of what can happen when a seed is planted.
My name is Juan Manuel Munoz. I found your website on the internet. I am currently a Law student in Tyler Texas. I want to say to you guys how thankful I am with you and with God for having people like you in the world. I was 5 years old when a group of Casas Por Cristo came to our community and built a house for us. My family still has all the pictures from when they went. I remember I got a bag of skittles from a lady that worked in our house. Right now, looking back to those days when we were needy and poor, I feel that God sent those people to help us. They were so kind and generous. I’m writing this e-mail with tears in my eyes. God is my witness. Thank you so much for what you guys did. God bless you. I will donate money soon so that some other family is happy just as mine was all those years ago. Again, thank you.
 Pray that whatever “good work” Jesus has started in someone’s life would be watered and completed.

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